
Providing water quality testing services for ensuring safe drinking water through Water Quality Testing Laboratory (WQTL), located at Central Office of NGO Forum at competitive price is one of NGO Forum’s major commitments to the society.

Water Quality Testing Laboratory (WQTL) of NGO Forum is the first initiative in the NGOs of Bangladesh equipped with modern technologies like Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) for providing drinking and wastewater testing support to the relevant stakeholders with the capability of testing a range of parameters covering physical, chemical and microbiological parameters including arsenic, BOD, E.coli etc. at a competitive rate. The WQTL produce bacterial testing kit, the ‘MicroKit’ for checking bacterial contamination of drinking water at doorstep. The WQTL also expanded its service facilities through establishing new testing facilities ‘CoxLab’ in Cox’s Bazar.

Objective : To Provide sustainable access of quality testing services for both drinking and wastewater to sectoral stakeholder ranges from the community to government and non-government organizations, international agencies and private sector actors at a competitive price.

Service Delivery Mechanism : Individuals or organization can access service facilities directly from the laboratory or through nearest regional office of NGO Forum. Since the sample collection, preservation and transport plays a vital role on overall quality of test, the laboratory much more concerned on the issues. Usually WQTL provide sample collection containers and written instruction of sample collection procedure as the collection and preservation techniques vary from parameter to parameter.

Services other than water quality test at laboratory like Water quality testing at field, MicroKit, training on water quality/arsenic mitigation issues, training/orientation on sample collection and use of field kits etc. can also be rendered directly from WQTL.

Quality Assurance & Quality control : The laboratory has designed, developed and documented its policies, systems, procedures and instructions in a way that assures the quality of tests and calibration results. The WQTL follows a standard quality control procedure to monitor the validity of its tests and calibration. The test results are also crosschecked by comparative analysis with different national and international reference laboratories. The laboratory has been recognized nationally and internationally through different performance evaluation exercise organized by WHO, IAEA, BCSIR etc. The WQTL scored 100% in the latest inter-laboratory compare is on exercise (Round Robin #7) conducted by BCSIR.

Contact Information

Md. Ibrahim Khalil
Sr. Chemist, WQTL 01718 041 895 NGO Forum for Public Health, 4/6, Block-E, Lalmatia, Dhaka -1207, Bangladesh

Saleh Uddin Mahmud
Chemist, CoxLab 01911 914 055 Sayeman Pink Pearl, Plot # 71 (3rd Floor) Block – A, Saykat Residential Area Kolatoli Road, Cox’s Bazar

S M Shahidullah
Head of Env. & WQ Management, Central Office, NGO Forum 0197 33 66 139 NGO Forum for Public Health, 4/6, Block-E, Lalmatia, Dhaka -1207, Bangladesh