Proejct Period :
August 2023 - June 2024
Location :
Host Community of Teknaf Upazila (Total 08 wards of four Union and 03 big Bazars of 3 unions) {The area in which this project will be implemented among 5 unions Whykong, Hnila, Baharchara, Sabrang union, Teknaf Sador union the project has been implemen
Project Objective & Goal :
Contribute to international efforts to meet humanitarian and protection needs and increase self-reliance and resilience building of Rohingya and host populations in Bangladesh.
Target Population : 137,000
Major Task/activities:
- Teknaf Fecal Sludge Treatment Plant-FSTP Operated and maintained
- Host community people received FSM services
- Project staff and CBVs trained on social architecture and social architecture materials purchased
- CFW & volunteers trained on waste collection, segregation & composting
- Composting unit operated
- Borehole with hand pump installed
- Project staff and community-based Based Volunteers trained on hygiene promotion
- Awareness sessions on Menstrual Hygiene Management-MHM, Community Engagement (CE) conducted and MHM kits were distributed.
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