Project Details

Maintaining Access to Safe Water and Sanitation for Rohingyas in Bangladesh

Funding Agency :
Proejct Period :
January 2020 - December 2021
Location :
Cox's Bazar
Project Objective & Goal :

The Project seeks to ensure water supply, sanitation, hygiene practices, and waste management in official camps of Nayapara & Kutupalong and their extensions, focusing on meeting the UNHCR standards of the services. The Project objective is to provide maintenance of sanitation facilities, fecal sludge and solid waste management and promote alternative renewable energy to ensure that sanitation standards are met for the camp population. The Project seeks to achieve the following two goals and objectives for each goals:

Goal: Protection and Mixed Solution

Objective- 1: Population living in satisfactory conditions of sanitation and hygiene

Output 1.1: Community sanitary facilities/ latrines constructed

Output 1.2: Household sanitary facilities /latrines constructed

Objective-2: Supply of potable water increased or maintained

Output 2.1: Water system constructed, expanded and/or upgraded


  • To increase the WASH service coverage in the Extended camps.
  • To continue and improve the D&ZM WASH tech. and to address the Emergency WASH services
  • To ensure the peaceful co-existence of the Rohingya Refugees and the Host Communities through quick impact activities and livelihood.


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Focal Person

    Ataur Rahman

    Project Coordinator

    NGO Forum for Public Health
