Project Details

Community Management of Water Supply and Sanitation Services

Funding Agency :
UNDP & WIF ( World-view International)
Proejct Period :
Location :
Project Objective & Goal :

  • To develop community's attitude to become self-reliant 
  • To identify and experiment the approach to involve the community participation in the process to develop the community management system
  • To buildup capacity at the community level for taking responsibility for maintenance of tara-pump and two pit latrines
  • To disseminate health and hygiene education,specially related to water and sanitation for improved health practices
  • To Motivate the community women to take the responsibility of the families for use of safe water and sanitation practice
  • To develop a group of Health Volunteer specially women at the community level
  • To develop a volunteer trainer group on Human-skills and Technical-skills
  • To develop a Mason group, who will provide the service to construct latrine components 
  • To find out shop-keeper and mason who will provide the services of selling spare-parts and latrine components among the community people,after handing over the project to the community.

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